
Advancing Critical Anti-Racism Dialogues for Action (ACARDA)

Conveners: Darlyne Bailey and Monica Leisey

  • Being mindful of much needed “action” in anti-racism work in macro social work, ACARDA members are from across the country working with our schools and programs as faculty, students, and community- based practitioners. Together we have met regularly to reflect on the history and current state of macro social work as it relates to ways to both initiate and promote anti-racism and anti-oppression work in our classrooms and institutions within the broader Social Work community.

Data and Outcomes

Conveners: Deb Adams and Isabel Lee

  • The Data and Outcomes conducts an annual survey of SC allies and supporter about the SC and macro social work, their participation is various SC Committees, and data on their MSW school or program, and more. .87 of 1000+ responded. Also working with CSWE on collecting macro data from MSW programs.



Convener: Mary Nienow 
The purpose of this committee is to monitor and advocate on behalf of social work regulation which neither marginalizes macro social work nor gives preference to psychotherapeutic clinical social work. The group has grappled for the 10+ years with social work licensing for macro practice social worker, examined current state definitions of social work and determined that many state definitions were not fully inclusive of macro practice. The licensing group developed a new definition of social work which is balanced and inclusive. The group was instrumental in advocating for the release of examination pass rates from the ASWB and to address any  racial disparities.

Convener: Shalay Jackson

Goal: Develop, curate, and disseminate macro career resources for students, faculty, staff, and practitioners

Select Strategies and Activities: 

  • Macro Social Work Career Resource Guide

The Guide contains job search tips, relevant search engines, macro career planning workbooks, videos, podcasts, and much more to assist those seeking macro careers 

  • Macro Career Panels 

The committee hosts macro career events via Zoom to connect past and current practitioners with students seeking to secure macro positions. The link to our Fall 2023 event, Macro Careers: Myths, Realities, and More, is provided below.

  • Macro Career Presentations

Email Shalay Jackson at if your school would like a member of the committee to speak to students about macro careers.


Convener: Diane Bessel
The Resources Committee is charged with gathering, organizing, and disseminating macro practice resource materials to support students, educators, and practitioners. Our goal is to build a regularly updated resource clearinghouse to include, but not
limited to, historic documents, seminal articles, course syllabi and assignments, case studies, field education learning contract activities, macro placement suggestions, practice tools and worksheets, and media resources.

Social Media

Convener: Gary Jones with Steve Burghardt and Kristie Holmes
Email Gary

The Social Media Committee is continuing to produce the “Macro Social Work Stories” video podcast. The partnership is comprised of Dr. Steve Burghardt at Silberman School of Social Work; Dr. Gary Jones at Tennessee State University, School of Public Service; and Dr. Kristie Holmes, Co-Chair of the United NationsCivil Society Press and Media Subcommittee. AC II will recruit social work students to partner with this endeavor. Building on the previous series of Macro podcasts (found at, our video podcasts will be available on YouTube. The video podcast will be live or pre-recorded. The primary subjects and speakers over the coming will focus on the reckoning in social work itself by addressing systemic racism, climate change, income inequality, emerging social workers, and the opportunities of STEM in our profession. Speakers will include academics, students, and professionals who have been deeply involved in these issues – inside and outside of social work. The video podcasts can be an additional asset to the classroom and community. (The video podcast can be viewed at